11am - 12pm Ahmya - Director of Corporate Relations
12pm - 1pm Nour - Director of Marketing
1pm - 2pm Fiona - Executive President
4pm - 5pm Sindhura - Vice President of Events
10am - 11am Rikhil - Vice President of Finance
11am - 12pm Fiona - Executive President
12pm - 1pm Eeman - Vice President of Corporate Relations
2pm - 3pm Jillian - Vice President of Marketing
Nour - Director of Marketing
4pm - 5pm Sindhura - Vice President of Events
9am - 10am Ashleigh - Executive Vice President
11am - 12am Nour - Director of Marketing
2pm - 3pm Ahmya - Director of Corporate Relations
Eeman - Vice President of Corporate Relations
4pm - 5pm Diya- Director of Events
1pm - 2pm Ashleigh - Executive Vice President
2pm - 3pm Jillian - Vice President of Marketing
3pm - 4pm Johan - Director of Finance
3:30pm - 4:30pm Rikhil - Vice President of Finance
4pm - 5pm Diya - Director of Events
9am - 10am Fiona - Executive President
Ashleigh - Executive Vice President
3pm - 4pm Johan - Director of Finance